All cells have secretory and absorptive functions besides4ibblasts and granular cells in connective tissue, there are myofibril, collagenous fibril and unmyelinated fibers. 结缔组织中除有成纤维细胞和颗粒细胞外还充满胶原原纤维和肌原纤维,无髓神经原纤维也较多。
After dedifferentiation, those initial cells respectively develop into primitive secretory epidermis and primitive secretory tissue of the nectary. 这些细胞经反分化后分别成为蜜腺的原分泌表皮及原泌蜜组织,两部分细胞经不断地分裂分化,最终成为成熟蜜腺。
Resistin is a kind of polypeptide hormone secreted peculiarly by adipose tissue which is found in recent years. It also can be called adipose tissue-specific secretory factor. Resistin has something with insulin-resist, diabetes mellitus type 2 and obesity. 抵抗素(resistin)是近年发现的一种脂肪组织特异分泌的多肽类激素,又称脂肪组织特异分泌因子(Adiposetissue-specificsecretoryfactor),它与胰岛素抵抗、肥胖及2型糖尿病均有一定的联系。
Anatomical characters and SEM observation of glands revealed that the glands of leave in Cerasus was one kind of secretory tissue. 对樱属植物叶腺体结构与形态作了解剖和扫描电镜观察,证实腺体属于分泌组织。
Effects of Anti-ovary Antibodies on Secretory Functions of Cells from Ovarian Tissue in vitro for Cytokines and Hormones 抗卵巢抗体对卵巢组织细胞分泌细胞因子和激素功能的影响
Ultrastructure of Secretory Granule in Mast Cell of the Tissue with Doubling Immuno-colloidal Gold Labeling 双重免疫胶体金标记组织中肥大细胞内分泌颗粒的超微结构
In this paper we studied the action of two kinds of solutions of Carica papaya seeds ( alcohol extracts and water solution) on secretory functions of first trimester human trophoblast tissue in vitro. 本文报道了万寿果科番木瓜(Caricapapaya)籽的乙醇提液和水煎剂对人早期胎盘绒毛组织分泌功能的影响。
The polypeptide insulin or secretory granule released into pancreatic tissue fluid be rather easy entering into lymphatic duct of pancreas than into blood of hepatic portal vein. 注射或释放入胰腺组织液中的胰岛素等多肽激素或分泌颗粒,正常转运途径或规律,可能是通过淋巴管道,而非通常认为的肝门静脉途径转运入血发挥作用。
Based on the results that the variation of these secretory proteins in trophoblastic tissue as pregnancy advanced, we suggested that these proteins may play different physiological role during the early pregnancy. 有可能这些蛋白质在妊娠过程中起着不同生理作用,所以在不同周龄中的合成量亦有变化。
After releasing, the polypeptide hormones or secretory granules enter easily into cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF) via the perivascular space, interspace of tissue and epithelial openings rather than directly into blood circulation through the walls of blood capillaries. 多肽激素或分泌颗粒释放后,更易经血管周隙-结缔组织间隙-囊上皮孔进入脑脊液发挥旁分泌作用,而非透过毛细血管壁直接进入血液循环。
Secretory cavities in the leaf of Evodia rutaecarpa are distributed among the spongy tissue. 吴茱萸叶中分泌囊分布于下表皮内的海绵组织中。
In this study the variation of secretory proteins by human trophoblastic tissue at 6-10 weeks of gestation grown in serum-free medium were analysed. 本研究分析了妊娠早期不同周龄人胎盘绒毛滋养层组织培液中蛋白含量的变化。
Secretory function of adipose tissue and regulation of adipogenesis 脂肪组织分泌产物及其对脂肪形成的调控
The monitoring to secretory function of vascular endothelial cell experimental study by tissue engineering blood vessel approach in rotary cell culture system 动态旋转系统构建组织工程化血管模型中血管内皮细胞分泌功能监测
Influence of dipyridamole by oral on the function of secretory cell of pulmonary tissue with respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia 口服潘生丁对呼吸道合胞病毒肺炎肺组织分泌细胞功能的影响
The effect of extracts of Carica papaya seeds on secretory function of first trimester human trophoblast tissue in vitro 番木瓜籽粗提液对体外培养的人早期胎盘绒毛组织分泌功能的影响
Nestin of the big, round and mononuclear cells showed positive expression, indicating that the stem cells with immunoreactive positive Nestin as the pancreatic stem cells marker could be harvested successfully from the internal and external secretory portion of pancreas tissue. 提示从胰腺内、外分泌部的组织中能成功获取胰腺干细胞特异性标志Nestin表达阳性的干样细胞。
Ki-67 has almost no expression in the secretory phase of normal endometrium and EP tissue. Ki-67在分泌期的正常子宫内膜、分泌期子宫内膜息肉中基本不表达。
Secretory tissue on the flower can secrete a kind of liquid containing sugar, which can attract pollinators, thus facilitate the pollination process. 植物花上的分泌组织可以分泌一种含有糖分的蜜汁,能吸引传粉昆虫,从而协助植物完成传粉过程。
The variations of gene level lead to a mount of secretory proteins, which is released to extra-cytolemma, including extracellular ground substance, growth factor, cytokine, peptide hormone, enzymes in plasma and tissue fluid. 分泌性蛋白是指分泌到细胞膜外的蛋白质,包括血液和组织液中的细胞外基质、生长因子、细胞因子、肽类激素、酶类等。